slitting machine

FAQ – Slitting machine

Film slitting machine includes  unwinding , slitting, rewinding, functional rollers, tension control system, web guide control ( EPC) and detection devices. Its working principle is: Unwind raw material roll from the unwinding unit, through the flattening roller, tension detection roller and with web guide system, then do slitting, after slitting the material roll , the finsihed rolls will be rewind into 2 or several rolls on rewinding unit . 

Generally speaking, if the operator does not pay attention to the daily maintenance, the thin film slitter machine may cause some problems.  We have summarize the following FAQ for your reference:

  • Suitable material : BOPP, PET, CPP, CPE, PVC,  Paper roll, etc.
  • Max. Material Width:1300mm / 51.18 inch
  • Min. final roll width : 50 mm /1.97 inch
  • Speed: 150-220m/min


1. Excessive tension.

2. The guide roller of scutters is not parallel.

3. The thickness error of composite film roll is large, and longitudinal folds are easy to occur in the part with thinner thickness.

4, the composite film roll has obvious wrinkles.

5. Paper tube bending.


1. In general, try to operate the equipment under low tension.

2. Adjust the relevant guide roller of slitter.

3, improve the quality of the composite film roll.

4, correct the bending of paper tube, improve the strength of paper tube.


  1. Composite film roll thickness error is large (this kind of fault often appears in the thicker part, tension and contact pressure is concentrated in the thicker part).
  2. The contact pressure is large.
  3. Winding is too tight.
  4. The cutter is not sharp, and the dust falls into the film.
  5. Poor environmental hygiene, mixed with foreign matter or dust in the compound volume.
  6. The composite film volume electrostatic.
  7. The surface of the paper tube is not smooth.


  1. Reduce tension and contact pressure.
  2. Improve the quality of composite film roll.
  3. Improve the operating environment.
  4. Take antistatic measures.
  5. Replace the paper tube.


1. Winding is too loose.

2, the composite film roll thickness error is large.

3. winding appears warped edge.

4. composite film roll surface friction coefficient is small, there is lateral sliding.

5. cutting speed is too fast.

6. The parallelism of the reel and the contact roller is deviated.

7. Acceleration and deceleration are too fast.

Solutions :

1. Adjust the tension, increase the contact pressure, limit the amount of air involved.

2. Improve the quality of composite film roll.

3. adjust the tool or replace the blade.

4. Reduce the slitting speed, especially the material that slitting is easy to slide.

5 . Slow to slow down or accelerate.


1. The outer coiling tension is too high, the coiling torque is larger than the friction between layers to convey the force, the coiling layer along the direction of sliding, so that the center part of the chrysanthemum pattern. When this part is unwound in the later process, it produces transverse folds.

2. When the end face of the product exceeds the length of the paper tube, the part near the center is deformed under the action of the residual stress of the composite film because there is no support of the paper tube.


1.Reduce winding tension, implement taper tension control, adjust the tension taper.

2. Keep the end face of the product flush with the end face of the paper tube.

This situation is mostly due to the paper core is not applicable, as long as the replacement of the paper core in line with the required diameter, in addition, in the process of winding the use of winding press roller, can also avoid the film scutters winding uneven.

This is mainly due to the wrong winding tension, adjust the machine with suitable rewinding tension , the use of rolling and cutting material wrapped over the roller and then rolling with the rewinding paper core.

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